Thursday, October 21, 2021

Black Magic Treatment

Sihr is so called because 
its means are hidden or secret, and because the practitioners of sihr deal with things in secret which enable them to perform illusions to confuse the people and deceive their eyes, and to cause them harm or steal their money, etc., in a secretive manner so that in most cases nobody realizes what is happening. Hence the last part of the night is called sahar, because at the end of the night people are unaware and they do not move about much. And the lungs are also called sahr, because they are hidden inside the body.


Sihr is an agreement set up between magician and satan, which stipulates thtat the magician commit certain illegal or polytheistic acts, in the return for satan assistance and obedience fulfilling the magician request. The basic meaning of sihr is to make something appear in a form other than its real one. Arabs have given it the name sihr because. it can transform good health in to illness. All magic is Haraam, it is a major sin.

Black magic is a disease which affects you according to the condition of the soul. Just like a disease will affect you according to the condition of your immune system. This type of magic does not refer to the illusions that are shown on tv.Magic and occult practices are never carried out for goodness but instead are the reasons for destruction. this problem has intensified a lot in the last few years, and many are suffering all over the world, totally unaware of the attacks made by no other than their closest friends, acquaintances and relatives. many prosperous happy families are ruined by magic.

Magician write some Quranic verses with filth, some write them using menses discharge, some write them under their feet and use as footwear to go to the toilet. However, if the Magician abstains from committing acts of disbelief, as instructed by Satan, the latter will stop executing the Magician orders.

The Magician and Satan are therefore, two accomplices in disobeying Allah. The darkness of kufr covers Magician face like a black cloud. If you get close to him, you will discover that he lives in a psychological misery with his wife and children, and even with himself. He cant sleep peacefully at night with a clear conscience. He often wakes up in a terrified state several times at night, most of the times demons harm his children, wife and cause division and marital squabbles.


The relation between goodness – badness, evil – good and right – wrong is as similar to day and night: both of them are incomplete and useless with out each other and at the same time, no one can deny their existence. Those creations inhering only goodness, rightness, uprightness, and which are error free are angels. And contrary to this those creations that are full of evil, and no matter of goodness is found – are devils, jinn, Mephistophelean spirits and malefic creations. And the creations that are conglomeration of both these are human beings.

Magic and occulent practices are never carried out for goodness but instead are the reasons for destruction. The core aim of doing this is to tease the God’s creation, penalize them and to enforce them to obey one’s order. The knowledge of goodness (norani) is the product of certain amliyat, wazaif, Duroods, and the Holy Quran and on the other hand, magic is the product of mantras, evil studies, evil reclusions etc. and by reciting which a person becomes strayed.

ONE: The sihr of the chaldeans who used to worship the seven plants, believing that these planets controlled the world and where behind the forces of good and evil. these people were the ones to whom the Messenger Ibrahim was sent.

TWO: The sihr of people who have fantasies and hallucinations. Ar-Razi argued hpw fantasy may have an effect on people. For instance, a man may be able to walk on the trunk of tree on the ground surface, but cant do so if the trunk is placed alongside a river of similar place.

The common advice of doctors to a person with a nosebleed not to look at red objects and to a possessed person not to look at bright or revolving objects in simply because, man's soul has been created weak and is submissive to fantasies.

THREE: Seeing the assistance of worldly spirits ( the jinn ) who are two types; believers, and the disbelievers who are domons. Professionals and experts in the field hold that communicating with these worldly is achieved by simple means such as Ruqya using words of disbelief and polytheism, and smoke. This type of magic is known as sihr of Taskhir, which is using the assistance of inn in performing acts of sihr.

FOUR: This type includes the performance of magic and eye-catching trickery. It is based on tricking eye and preoccupying it solely with the object viewed. A skilled magician can perform a trick that stuns the minds of viewers and catches their eyesm leaving them preoccupied with gazing at an object; thereby immediately performing another trick, which appears them other than what they are expecting, and are; thus, left dumbfounded, If the magician remains silent, dose not say things which distract the minds of the viewers, they would be aware of all the tricks he had intended to perform.

FIVE: Marvelous objects such as a geometrically made arwork. For Exmple, a knight riding on a horseback, holding a horn in his hand, appearing to blow every hour. This type, including the construction of a clock mechanism should not be considered as part of magic, because it is based on positive causes, and if man understands science better, he will be able to produce more advanced machines. These things have became known now following the advance of technology which has been the driving force behind the invention of a number of marvellous objects.

SIX: The magician use to specfic medication on food and oinments. Bear in mind that there is no gainsaying the effect of such medication, as the effect of hypnotism is clear.

SEVEN: The sahir claims that he knows the supreme name of God ann that the jinn obey his commands in many things. if the person listener to the sahir weak-minded, and less perceptive, then he would believe that what the sahir may tell him is the truth. Thus, a listener is attached to what he believes is the truth, and so could be easily frightened. Once fear is insilled, his sensory perception is weakened, and the sahir would be capable of doing whatever he wishes.


In most cases, an agreement is set up between a magician and a demon, requiring that the former commit certain pagan rituals, whether secretly or openly, and the latter provide the services he need or send someone to do the job. Usually, the agreement is set up between a magician and one of  the chiefs of the tribe of jinn and demons. The chief instructs one of the tribe's disrespectful demons to work fot the magician, obeying his orders and informing him of past events, causing separatation of a man from his wife, a love spell between two people, making someone incompetent.

The magician should send the demon on an evil mission, but if the demon disobeys his orders, he would come close ro the chief if the tribe through some enchantments which would carry words of praise, seeking refuge in him instead of Allah in return, the chief would punish the demon and command him to obey the magician orders, of instruct someone elase to obey the poltheisstic sahir.

Therefore, the relationship between magician and the recuited jinn is based on hatred. Usually, this jinn would harm the magician wife, children or wealth, or even the sahir himself; although the magician would not be aware of the cause of his suffering; such as constant pain, insomnia and the sudden frightful waking-up during the night.

Here are some of the effects one can experience on the physical level if one has become a victim of black magic.

  • Waking up with a jerk and in fear within moments one falls into the first stage of sleep.
  • A Dark or Grey smoke is seen in front of the eyes when awake.One's complexion turns dark & as the time passes it turns to darker shades of black.
  • Stinging pains in different parts of the body.Shooting stinging pain in the tongue and one wakes up with extreme pain with a blister on the 
  • Burning of palms as if they have been put on fire
  • Lips and other body parts get swollen in the spur of the moment for no medical reasons.
  • Constant Fatigue/ Low Energy
  • Mood Swings & extremely negative thinking that can lead to suicides
  • Jerking/Twitching of muscles or body parts
  • feeling of ants crawling on the body or body parts vibrate
  • Heaviness/Tightness in the whole body or certain body parts
  • In serious cases where spirits have taken control of the house where the individual is residing: one can experience dripping plasma from the walls, unusual activity of the insects & other weird phenomenon that is un-explainable & unrealistic. Some of the unusual activity is only visible to the victims.
  • Whether it is Black Magic or Voodoo witchcraft the effects are intensified on and around the Full Moon Nights and the Dark Moon nights
  • As the attacks continue the victim is torn down on multiple levels; gets bed ridden and eventually dies of no apparent medical reason. The doctor's cannot help him because the symptoms misguide the doctors into giving the individual stronger treatments with every passing day and one day the body gives-up.

Important: The spirit activity starts increasing exactly 72 hours before the Dark moon nights and the full moon nights. If you are a victim your condition will worsen around these periods. It will help you keep a log of the events around these periods.

If any of the symptoms listed above match your situation, your life is at serious risk, you should seek immediate help from a genuine professional healer who can handle issues connected to the spirit world. Vedic Wisdom can help you get serious professional help. We can help get your life back on track in as little as few hours to few days.

Treatment of Black Magic and Possessions or Demonic Influence

The complete procedure of Islamic Exorcism is explained in about eight different steps, and below is the summary of steps that are applicable to either the ‘Exorcist’ or the ‘Victim’.

Step 1:The victim(and/or exorcist or the person doing the exorcism) should purify and cleanse his body and his house from all Sins. One should firstly clean and dispose all items/things in their premises like dog, bell, musical instruments, pictures/painting/dolls of living people and animals; non-Islamic taweez or amulets hanging around anyone or in house etc, then offer 2 units of ‘Salatul Tauba’ and sincerely repent for all his sins. One should also check the list of major sins[like haram food and drink, adultery, disobedience to parents or husband, music and dancing, zina of eyes i.e watching un-islamic videos, zina of tongue..etc, visiting astrologer/ fortuneteller /magician, living on unlawful earning etc] that could block Allah’s mercy and blessings and one needs to abstain from them and sincerely repent to ALlah and ask His forgiveness.

Step 2: Neutralize and destroy any magical amulets, taweez or strings/thread or any magical items.

Magical amulets usually have jinns tied to them, if they are found and destroyed the effects of the Sihir will fade away InshaAllah. If the victim finds or has any magical amulets in his body or houses, he should destroy it by following the steps below:

  1. Get some water or kitchen vinegar.
  2. Recite Aytul Kursi 1x and last three Surah / last three Quls 7x to 11x each and give 3x powerful blows into the water/vinegar.
  3. Reciting Ya Salaamu[O Giver of Peace] continuously, pour some recited water/vinegar over the place from where the amulet was retrieved.
  4. Reciting Ya Salaamu[O Giver of Peace] continuously, dismantle the amulet completely i.e cut it or break it, to separate the casing from the writing or script or incantations written on paper or cloth or leather of the amulet.
  5. Submerge, all the pieces of the amulet completely into the recited water/vinegar and place some heavy stone over it so that it gets submerged properly.
  6. Leave it for over 24 hours submerged, preferably outside the premises of the victim’s house.
  7. Dump the casing into garbage and check if writing/scipt is visible, dry it slightly and then burn it before dumping it into river, or sea or burying it somewhere in the ground outside the house[burning is to prevent disrespect of any quranic verses if present on the amulet].
  8. InshaAllah, this will neutralize and release the tied Jinn’s from the amulet and the magic will be broken.

Step 3: The victim(and/or exorcist or the person doing the exorcism) should strengthen his faith and trust on Allah and then create protective shields around himself: To strengthen the faith and trust on Allah, offer 5 times salat, give as much as charity as possible for the sake of Allah, spend times in morning and evening reciting Istiqfar, Darood and Zikir ‘La-elah-el-lal-lah’ as much as one can. To create protective shield around one self recite

-Dua of Protection – ‘A’oozu bi-ka-li-maa-til-laa-hit-taam-maati min sharri maa kha-laq Wa-la-huw-la Wala-khu-wa-ta El-la-bil-la-hil-‘Ali-yil-‘Azeem

[I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He has created and there is no Power or Might except Allah; the High, the Great;]

excessively and especially 3x after every salat and also during times of anger, fear and anxiety. This will not only create a protective shield around the body but will also weaken the nesting Jinns in the body and will also force them to leave and will also ruin all the plans of the magicians and his paymaster, MashaALlah. Also recite this dua 3x or 7x times and blow it on the hands and rub it over the entire body once before doing the amal, to prevent counter attacks from the jinns.

Step 4: Create Protective shield around the House: Apart from practicing the amal mentioned above, the victims in-order to neutralize and banish all kinds of evil jinn in their premises, should play Surah Baqarah[2] (if not available play Manzil) on a computer or any audio or stereo system or mobile at-least once every day or night for 7 to 21 days in a row without any gaps, it will have devastating effect on the Jinn’s in the house and will force them to leave, MashaAllah. 

For protecting our homes against any Jinn and Magic as per the hadith one should recite Aytul Kursi and last two verses of Surah Baqrah once or thrice every morning and every evening consistently every day with the intentions of “Protecting,safety and security of the house and its people against all evils”.

Step 5: Items required for the AMAL or Holy Ritual And Procedure to use them

Items required:

  1. Drinking water or ZamZam Water: After the amal/ritual the victim will use this water for drinking, washing and spraying(inside the house).
  2. 3 whole Lime [not lemon or orange] or cup of apple cider vinegar for every bath.
  3. About 7 Leaves of Indian Baierie tree[leaves of red berry fruit tree] or Lotus or Jujube or sidir or neem or Custard Apple or betel(pan) leaves or a mixture of leaves from various trees .
  4. Crush them with a stone or a machine and extract all the juice. This should be added for every bath.
  5. Olive oil or Mustard oil or Black seed oil[optional]:This is optional and could be used on patients who are bedridden and cannot take a bath. Some Olive oil or Mustard oil or Black seed oil, after doing any of the below mentioned amal’s, 3x powerful blows should be done on the oil. This recited oil should then be rubbed on limbs, stomach, back, neck and traces on the forehead of the patient mornings and evenings.
  6. Non-Alcoholic Rose essence or oil or perfume[optional]: Few drops can be added to the water, while bathing or rinsing the body and few drops can be added to the water while spraying inside the house. The advantage of using perfume it that since the evil jinn/ shayateen dislike good smell and perfume’s, using them will have a devastating effect on them.
  7. Crystalline salt or Rock Salt[optional]: Few spoons of salt can be added to the water, while bathing or rinsing the body and few spoons can be added to the water while spraying inside the house. There is no problem when this is added with other ingredients like rose essence or vinegar..etc

Note: If (3) not available please use only (1) and (2)

Consensus of Exorcist agree that items like lime, vinegar, baierie leaves, black pepper, ginger..etc are known to burn the Jinn’s and we therefore use it with recited water to Mashaallah have a devastating effect on Jinn or group of jinns nesting inside the victims body.
How Much of Water Is Required to Blow after Amal

The water should be sufficient enough to be used for at-least a week for drinking, washing our body and spraying on the house. As the amal will be repeated every 7 to 10 days till the victims becomes normal and no abnormalities are visible.

Drinking: 1 glass in morning and 1 glass in evening: 2 *7 = 14 glasses

Washing: Approx 2 glasses for every wadhu/bath : 2 * 7 =14 glasses

Spraying on house: Approx 2 glasses every day: 2 * 7 = 14 glasses

Please make sure you have additional water so that you don’t run out of water and have to repeat the amal again. Its preferable to have the water in a medium sized plastic can/container’s with lids then can be closed after 3x or more blows are given into the water after the amal, the cans will also ensure that the recited water is safe and free from pollution once the lid is closed.

How to use them:

After the amal is done the reciter/the exorcist should immediately take a deep breath and blow with full pressure 3x or more times on the water[after blowing close the lid of the container saying 'Bismilaah'] every blow should be done with full strength/energy after taking a deep breath so that the waves hit the water, its ok if some spittle enters the water.

The victim should be given at-least one glass of recited water every morning and evening. The victim should drink the recited water daily till he recovers completely. While drinking the water, the victim should recite ‘BISMILLAAHI Ya Shafi[In the name of Allah, O Giver of Cure]‘.

For every spiritual bath, in the evening get one/two glass of recited water squeeze 3 whole lime or equivalent vinegar and add about 7 crushed Baierie leaves[with all the extracted Juice along with the crushed leaves] into the recited water and add additional tap water[approx 1 liters] sufficient enough for the person to make wadhu/ghusul or rinse his body with it. 

Before entering the washroom, the victim should recite the ‘dua of entering washroom’ and then make an dua in the heart ” YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM Please cure and purify me from all evil influences of men and jinn that trouble and harm him. Ameen-3x”. The victim should make wadhu / ghusul or rinse his complete body with this mixture in a big bowl or vessel or bucket so that the dirty water can be collected and later thrown on some ground or garden or in pots rather than in drain or bathroom. 

This mixture should also be nicely rubbed on the victims head, shoulders, neck, chest, back, stomach and other places of pain and heaviness while bathing [avoid rubbing mixture on eyes as lime /vinegar may cause some burning]. This procedure should be repeated for about 7 to 12 days, every evening. Note: If the victim cannot take bath, try a sponge bath i.e drench a clean towel in a mixture of recited water, lime, baierie leaves and normal water, and wipe it all over the body.

The recited water should also be sprayed on every wall and the ceiling of the house, on beds, curtains, furniture, at the entrance and outer boundaries of the house at-least once every day preferably in the evenings, except inside the bathrooms or washroom or toilets. This should be repeated daily till the patient recovers completely.

Note: Initially during the treatment the things might get worse because the evil jinn may try to retaliate the treatment, however, the victims should undergo the treatment continuously, without any gaps for 11 days, 21days or until things get better. And also save some recited water to recycle it with new water during the next amal.


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